On the territory of the Ramensky urban district on June 15, 2024, the VIII regional open festival of Russian ceramics "Sinnitsa" will be held.
The festival has been held since 2017. Прочесть полностью
About festival
The 8th open-air Festival of Russian Ceramics “Sinnitsa”
will take place in Ramenskoe city, Moscow region, on the 17th of June 2023. Numerous members from different parts of Russia (honored masters as well as young ceramists) will take part in our Festival and organize workshops on ceramics painting and pottery art.
You are welcome to visit our Festival of Russian ceramics “Sinnitsa”!
Новости фестиваля
Wed 3-May-2023
On the territory of the Ramensky urban district on June 17, 2023, the VII regional open festival of Russian ceramics "Sinnitsa" will be held. Прочесть полностью
Festival program:

Ceramics and artisanal handicraft fair
Trading showrooms of craftsmen and handicraft artists.
Pottery Championship
Pro potters will meet in a spectacular duel! And the audience will witness the miracle of reincarnation of clay.
Exhibition of sculptures created by the city schools’ tutors and their students “Ceramics education”
Ceramics items area.
Ceramics painting workshops and pottery workshops organized by Festival participants
Moulding, pottery wheel, ceramics painting workshops.
Competition of children's works "Obediant clay"

Unique show from the participants of the Festival
Clay teaches you to live. It embodies warmth and ability to understand people.
Let’s find the best in ourselves and not miss Impression! Ceramics can excite!
Place and time
Moscow region, Ramensky urban district, pos. Electrical Insulator
17 June 2023.
How to become a participant
Would you like to become a part of our organizing committee or participant of the Festival?
Please do not hesitate to fill in participant’s form, ask any questions. We’ll contact you!
Organised by
Non-profit partnership “Arts & Crafts Chamber”
Culture and Tourism Committee of Ramenskoe Municipal District Administration

Ceramics of Gzhel Group
Ramenskoe Municipal District Administration
Gzhel Municipal District Administration
Novokharitonovskoe Village Community Administration

Media partners
Gzhel Municipal District Administration
Novokharitonovskoe Village Community Administration
Progymnasium №48
“Rodnik” Editorial Board